Wednesday 28 December 2011

Thought of the Day: Lazarus (29 Dec 2011)

Opened my door to go to office this morning. Staring at me just outside is this cat, with cute eyes and as if the cat is talking to me.

It dawned on me that the rich man in the parable treated Lazarus as if he was an animal sitting at his gate. The rich man did not pay Lazarus any heed nor feed him, because he is of no concern to the rich man, Lazarus is just another animal trying to survive.

How often have I treated others like this, ignoring people around us, like what we do with strays? I am not concerned for them, passing them by while I continue on my life.

Sunday 30 October 2011

water treatment

Treatment of water is basically using a variety of processes to improve the incoming water source to a outgoing water whose quality meets a certain standards or concentration. Very often the final water quality is dictated by the local water regulations with the aim to ensure that public health is not compromised.

Processes will thus vary. Few people realized that thus incoming water quality is a critical factor in determining which process to use to treat the water to the required quality. Cost is a factor as there is a need to optimism the operation cost and effectiveness of treatment. Source control of water quality remains the most effective, though the hardest to achieve.

The main issue is that changing treatment process is costly and time consuming, especially if the source water quality changes. There is no one size fit all treatment process. The technology now is thus still very much a multi barrier treatment process.

Thursday 20 October 2011

playground @ west coast park (15 Oct 11)

Thought we'll bring the girls to west coast park in the morning, since we have some time.

Natalie didn't want to wake up, but jumped out of bed when she heard we are going out. We left the house early and reached west coast park at 9.00am. Turns out it's Keppel walk and fun day, so car park was full. Thus I parked further away at the more secluded car park 2 and walked back to join the girls at the playground.

Cayla didn't liked the sandy playground, so we split and I brought cayla to the toddler playground which is rubberized.

We ended the playtime with a McDonalds meal

Wednesday 7 September 2011

running (6 sept 11)

Been a long while since my last post, but it's been a hectic time at work and in the family.

I have gone back to running since about 3-4 weeks ago. It's tough due to the lack of exercises for so long. But I am glad it's progressing well.

I have also bought a soulus watch to replace my polar one.

Monday 14 February 2011

per capital consumption

Our household average water usage is about 7cubic meters, and with 5 people in the house, we use about 50 liters per person per day. Might not be the exact way to calculate lpcd and not really an accurate way to measure individual consumption but it's a rough figure.

We don't do very special ways to save water and with children in the house, we do wash alot of clothes. Water efficient taps and drum type washing machines, but mostly a prudent way of using water like taking short showers less than 5 min, reusing our bath water to wash the floor outside the house helps alot.

It's been said that people used to using alot of water for their showers and washing can't get used or are not comfortable with low flows. Technology and design of water efficient fittings have come to a stage now whereby it can be quite comfortable to use water efficiently. It's just a matter of mindset and a willingness to adapt.

Would you be willing to change?

Thursday 6 January 2011

starting P1 (6 Jan 2011)

It's the new year and Natalie is in P1 @ CHIJ Kellock. Her 1st day was on 4 Jan (Tue) at 9.00am.

"Nat & Reb going to school"

We dropped Rebecca at her nursery class and sent Natalie to school. It was a blessing that Georgia came together as Kellock decided to give talks to us parents and update us for the 3 hrs as we wait. Stayed in school through the talks and mum had to go fetched Rebecca from her class

Natalie is in P1 Orchid as this year is the flower series.

"Natalie in her class on orientation"

2nd day and I sent Natalie to assembly area at 7.15am before going back to get Georgia to attend the PSG meeting. I took 1/2 day, so I went to work after fetching Natalie back from school

3rd day and I had to leave Natalie at the gate at 7.10am She has to make way to the assembly area. I felt abit emotional as I watched her walked in on her own.

Natalie had been fabulous and matured in going to school. She wakes up when we wake her. Does her own things, brished her teeth and get changed.

starting P1 (6 Jan 2011)

It's the new year and Natalie is in P1 @ CHIJ Kellock. Her 1st day was on 4 Jan (Tue) at 9.00am.

"Nat & Reb going to school"

We dropped Rebecca at her nursery class and sent Natalie to school. It was a blessing that Georgia came together as Kellock decided to give talks to us parents and update us for the 3 hrs as we wait. Stayed in school through the talks and mum had to go fetched Rebecca from her class

Natalie is in P1 Orchid as this year is the flower series.

"Natalie in her class on orientation"

2nd day and I sent Natalie to assembly area at 7.15am before going back to get Georgia to attend the PSG meeting. I took 1/2 day, so I went to work after fetching Natalie back from school

3rd day and I had to leave Natalie at the gate at 7.10am She has to make way to the assembly area. I felt abit emotional as I watched her walked in on her own.

Natalie had been fabulous and matured in going to school. She wakes up when we wake her. Does her own things, brished her teeth and get changed.