Sunday 30 May 2010

Chicken Pox (24 Apr - 26 May 2010)

Most of us in the family was down with chicken pox, except super strong & healthy Georgia!

It probably started with Rebecca down with chicken pox end of April, whom we don't who she contracted it from. There was alot more mosquito bites on her body and face, but she was still very active, eating well, and had no other symptoms. We just put it down to perhaps the hot weather and lots of mosquitoes in the house. Sprayed down the house and all....sigh!

On 11 May, Natalie came down with high fever, and a few spots started appearing on her body. We didn't think it was usual, so we decided to bring her to see the doctor the next morning as it was quite late. I decided to stay at home, as someone has to be around to look after the other 2, especially the baby. The doctor confirmed that Natalie has chicken pox and gave her 2 weeks MC. After some discussion, the doctor diagnosed that Rebecca probably got chicken pox already!

I was sleepy the whole day though, and it was extremely frustrating for Georgia, to take care of 4 kids....(1 chicken pox, 1 tantrum 3, 1 baby and a sleeping adult, who couldn't do much). Took my temperature in the evening and seems that I had fever! Never had fever since NS days in 1993 (Don't know why, but could never have fever at all since...probably too many visits to the medical centre during NS, where your fever is cured just by the long wait there...that's another story though). It was indeed unusual, but there wasn't any spots on me that day. Later at night, we did find like 2 spots. Anyway, guess it's better to let the doctor checked it out.

So on 13 May, I went to see the doctor in the morning. The doctor looked at the few vesicular spots I had, and with the girls down with chicken pox, decided to treat me as chicken pox. Got my anti viral medicine and some anti Itch medicine. and mc until 21 May, where I was supposed to go for follow-up.

By now, Natalie,s full of pox! everywhere on her body and some on her face. As for me, most of my "pox" is on my face, with some pathetic ones on my arms and body.But I had high fever everynight for 5 nights, and all I could do during the period was just sleep. Natalie was fine, apart from the "pox". She is up and about, eating as normal, and is bored from having nothing to do at home, except watch TV and play computer games. She was so bored, she finished all her homework assignments georgia got from the teachers.

Rebecca just continued to go to school every day.

As for Cayla, she finally got chicken pox a week after we did. Probably cause I was carrying her all the time, when I didn't know I had chicken pox. She got so used to the carrying, and probably cause of the virus, she is quite cranky and wants to be carried all the time. Georgia is now trying to help her sleep without being carried.

One thing about chicken pox, the principal of DMC was informed of Natalie having chicken pox, and she told Georgia that Natalie would require a discharge note from the doctor, before she is allowed to go back to school. It seems to be a MOE requirement! However, when Georgia went to the doctor, the GP just said that it's common knowledge that chicken pox is no longer infectious after 1 week of the onset of the fever. The rest of the MC is for the patient to rest! If it's common knowledge, can MOE & MOH please sort it out, as the principal insisted. So we had to pester the doctor to finally let us see him to get a discharge note without paying for the consultation! However, we still have to wait an hour for our turn!

As for me, I went back to my GP on 21 May, which is Friday. The doctor just discharged me and said that I could go back to work on Monday after the rest on the weekend, as I am no longer infectious. That meant that I only got like 8 days MC! But of course, having a new post, I am actually dying to go back to work.... :)

What we found out is that the younger you get chicken pox, the easier time you have it. Unfortunately, if you guys are thinking of getting chicken pox, you got to look somewhere else, as our whole family is now free from chicken pox.... ;) Georgia will be getting her jab as soon as is possible.

While all of us having chicken pox, the one who has the worst deal is Georgia, who is not sick, but tired from looking after all of us. Not enough sleep, and no one to look after her. And worse, she can't fall sick! So please do pray for Georgia! We all loved and thank her for taking such great care of us.


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