Wednesday 1 September 2010

Growing tooth (31 Aug 2010)

Natalie has been complaining about toothache for the past 1 1/2 month. We finally realized that it was because her adult tooth was growing behind her incisor milk tooth. Looked like she has got 2 rows of teeth.... Brrrrr!

Mixed reaction from others as to what we need to do. In the end, we just left it while her wobbly front incisor tooth continues to make her grouchy.

Finally, last night, one of the tooth became more wobbly and Natalie just twisted the tooth and pulled it out. This from the girl who complained about very minor aches and cuts ! Bravo! We are so proud of her. Here's a photo of the tooth we are cleaning and putting in Nat's tooth box we bought for her 6 yrs ago. Now, how do I find a gold coin to replace the tooth under her pillow?

Tuesday 20 July 2010

Singapore has been hit by floods in an otherwise thought dry month of

Singapore has been hit by floods in an otherwise thought dry month of June. This is not the usual period where heavy rainfall is expected. The unusual rainfall patterns around the world is causing many of the drainage systems in cities to overflow and systems are unable to cope, thus causing damages to properties and worse, life lost. Rainfall is a natural phenomenon and water needs time to flow out to the sea or to low lying ground. It's a matter of simple physics. What engineers do is to create channels, canals, drains to transport the large amount of water from one place to another, usually to reservoirs or to the sea. These are only man-made engineering measures, which require considerable time and resources to construct. Land has to be reserved for such massive structures, and a balance usually has to be reached for the use of the land.

Unfortunately, our prediction of rainfall and modelling of stormwater flows is dependent on statistics and predictions can become haywired because of changing weather patterns. How to convince governments to spend resources, set aside land otherwise used for businesses/population, for sufficient drainage systems when it is just a risk which is not guaranteed? No modelling systems is accurate, because the inputs are not assurance of the future occurence, just a possibility. After all, it is risk mitigation.

Extracted from Channel News Asia

Govt to bring forward plans to improve drainage in flood-prone areas

By Mustafa Shafawi and Joanne Chan

Posted: 19 July 2010 1434 hrs

SINGAPORE: The government will bring forward plans to improve drainage in major canals and drains in flood-prone areas. There will also be an urgent review of the Stamford Canal which overflowed and caused the June 16 and July 17 floods in Orchard Road. With Singapore hit by three floods in just a month, the issue dominated Parliament for a good half an hour on Monday.

10 Members of Parliament (MPs) wanted to know the cause of the floods, and what the government was doing to prevent a repeat. "In one month, there are three floods in Orchard Road and other parts of Singapore. Do you think that this could have been prevented and why do you think so," questioned Lee Bee Wah, MP for Ang Mo Kio GRC. "If these areas identified are the same as those identified in previous years... then why is the drainage of those existing flood-prone areas not rectified in the first placed," asked Penny Low, MP for Pasir Ris-Punggol GRC.

In reply to the parliamentary questions, the Minister for the Environment and Water Resources, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim said there are plans to implement drainage improvements to several major canals and drains. Dr Yaacob said the tender for improvement to Geylang River closed in June. Tenders for improvements to Bukit Timah First Diversion Canal and the downstream stretch of Rochor Canal1 will be called in the next three months. Tenders for the upgrading of major drains along Thomson Road and MacPherson Road will be also called by the end of the year. Works to improve the drainage system in the flood-prone areas of Little India will start in the next few months.

Dr Yaacob said wherever possible, PUB will bring forward the start of these works and expedite their completion. Dr Yaacob Ibrahim also said Orchard Road, which flooded just last Saturday, is a new hotspot. He said an urgent review of the Stamford Canal is being undertaken. "We need to review the design of Stamford Canal and its adequacy altogether. I think the last July 17 storm caused us to be very concerned that this a major canal - diverting water all the way to the sea - is flooded. We need to take a serious view of what needs to be done," said Dr Yaacob.

Dr Yaacob said the incidence of flash floods is a challenge faced by cities around the world. Recently, devastating floods in France, China and Japan inflicted significant damage and loss of lives. As an island in the tropics, Singapore is especially prone to intense rain storms. He said Singapore has seen the occurrence of three intense rainfall events over the past month, caused by Sumatra squalls and the influence of Typhoon Conson, and aggravated by the prevailing La Nina conditions. Dr Yaacob said climate change could add a new level of complexity to this. He said he empathised with the frustration and anxiety of those affected by the recent floods. Dr Yaacob said PUB officers will continue to hold dialogues with affected residents and businesses and advise on possible improvement measures that they can take. He said improvements will also be made to the alert system to provide early warning of possible floods to the public. PUB will also be increasing the number of water level sensors installed in canals from 32 to 150 by next year. Currently, when sensors installed in canals are activated by rising water levels, an SMS alert is sent to warn businesses in the vicinity.

Dr Yaacob said his ministry is studying if this system can be extended to members of public in low-lying areas, so that they too will have sufficient time to respond to a possible flood. The minister said although it might not be realistic to expect Singapore to be completely flood-free, his ministry will work with the relevant agencies to carry out a systematic review of all major drainage systems and their design parameters, as a priority. The review is expected to take several months, and all possible interventions will be considered within the constraints of cost effectiveness and competing uses for limited land in Singapore.

The government has invested some S$2 billion to upgrade Singapore's drainage infrastructure in the last 30 years. As a result, flood-prone areas have been reduced from 3,200 hectares in the 1970s to a total of 66 hectares today. - CNA/vm/ls

Friday 16 July 2010

Being Perfect

As a catholic youth, I learnt about sin and how I am not perfect. We are human and have many short comings. I try my best to change and be a better person. Life is rosy.

It is only after I become a parent that the reality of being imperfect hits so close to my heart. Having children does not make me worse. It only brings out the issues and shortcomings I have. It can be scary to face them, as I have to confront them and change, or my children will become like me. I have to strive to be perfect like God.

As a parent, I learnt that I can be sacrificial. I can save food which I loved and gobbled up in the past for them, I can do things for them more than I was willing to for others before. I cannot be selfish, and just think of my own needs. I don't know why i would do it too. For in the same way that I want my kids to grow up to be, I need to impose on myself first.

Indeed, this seems like a joke from God to help me strive to be perfect

Tuesday 6 July 2010

SIWW (28 Jun - 2 Jul)

As part of work, I was fortunate this year to have some time to attend some of the events at the Singapore International Water Week 2010, after all my official duties are over. Much has been publicized on the news and net about this event, but I would just like to say that it is a very good opportunity to meet professionals, experts and friends involved in water, and to learn more about the world of water...;)

Indeed, attending the water convention was an eye opener. I didn't know that Hong Kong had a deep tunnel sewerage system since 2001 at depths of 150m, using an inverted siphon method to convey used water. This is different from what Singapore uses.

Events like the SIWW allows us the chance to learn and interact more indeed.

Monday 5 July 2010

After a busy work week (5 jul 2010)

It was a busy week with the Singapore International Water Week (SIWW) from 28 Jun to 2 Jul. I was caught up with preparation for the SIWW in June and late nights during the week. There was not much time to bring the kids out. With the school holidays, it was tough to occupy the kids. Finally the SIWW was completed last week and we can finally have some family time. Sadly, school has started. Sigh. Juggling work and family is a delicate balance.

It's not much of a weekend with the family though, as I finally got to vacuum the car. We tried to go to Macritchie Reservoir on Saturday morning. Sadly, it was raining, so we went to have prata instead. We did spend Sunday afternoon after mass at christina's place, visiting the new baby Leanne.

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Johor Desaru Trip (19 Jun 2010)

It was an amazing trip driving in together with Uncle Steven, Auntie Li, Cousin James and family. We had breakfast at Old Town Cafe near Sentosa. After whiich, we had a wonderful time visiting the fruit farm, although it was really too hot to go for the farm tour. maybe next time. After that, it was to having a fabulous seafood lunch, with plenty of good fresh seafood.

Having enjoyed a good meal, we drove over to Desaru, where the kids had a fabulous time playing on the beach.

On the way back, we parted way, and made our way to Tebrau city for some shopping at Jusco.

Thanks to Uncle Steven, Auntie Li, Cousin James and family for being such good guides and fantastic company! Let's do this again soon!

Monday 31 May 2010

Stockholm in August 2006 (Part 5)

I didn't realised that I missed posting the last weekend I spent in Stockholm in 2006. So here it is. This was my extended stay in Stockholm all alone, and where I got the irish cream coffee powder, which is dearly loved by all back home. So if anyone is going to Stockholm, do help me get 2 packets.... pretty please... :)

Back to the trip, I was alone and went for a day trip to Birka, one of Sweden's oldest island, where the Swede's stayed long ago. It's preserved and it's well worth the visit. The boat ride to Birka also let me see many of the dream homes on islands by the sea, which we can see in all those dream pictures. Here's some of them for you all to enjoy! If you ask me, Stockholm is well worth the visit, and it's one of our dreams for Georgia & I to go there for a visit...:)

Sunday 30 May 2010

Chicken Pox (24 Apr - 26 May 2010)

Most of us in the family was down with chicken pox, except super strong & healthy Georgia!

It probably started with Rebecca down with chicken pox end of April, whom we don't who she contracted it from. There was alot more mosquito bites on her body and face, but she was still very active, eating well, and had no other symptoms. We just put it down to perhaps the hot weather and lots of mosquitoes in the house. Sprayed down the house and all....sigh!

On 11 May, Natalie came down with high fever, and a few spots started appearing on her body. We didn't think it was usual, so we decided to bring her to see the doctor the next morning as it was quite late. I decided to stay at home, as someone has to be around to look after the other 2, especially the baby. The doctor confirmed that Natalie has chicken pox and gave her 2 weeks MC. After some discussion, the doctor diagnosed that Rebecca probably got chicken pox already!

I was sleepy the whole day though, and it was extremely frustrating for Georgia, to take care of 4 kids....(1 chicken pox, 1 tantrum 3, 1 baby and a sleeping adult, who couldn't do much). Took my temperature in the evening and seems that I had fever! Never had fever since NS days in 1993 (Don't know why, but could never have fever at all since...probably too many visits to the medical centre during NS, where your fever is cured just by the long wait there...that's another story though). It was indeed unusual, but there wasn't any spots on me that day. Later at night, we did find like 2 spots. Anyway, guess it's better to let the doctor checked it out.

So on 13 May, I went to see the doctor in the morning. The doctor looked at the few vesicular spots I had, and with the girls down with chicken pox, decided to treat me as chicken pox. Got my anti viral medicine and some anti Itch medicine. and mc until 21 May, where I was supposed to go for follow-up.

By now, Natalie,s full of pox! everywhere on her body and some on her face. As for me, most of my "pox" is on my face, with some pathetic ones on my arms and body.But I had high fever everynight for 5 nights, and all I could do during the period was just sleep. Natalie was fine, apart from the "pox". She is up and about, eating as normal, and is bored from having nothing to do at home, except watch TV and play computer games. She was so bored, she finished all her homework assignments georgia got from the teachers.

Rebecca just continued to go to school every day.

As for Cayla, she finally got chicken pox a week after we did. Probably cause I was carrying her all the time, when I didn't know I had chicken pox. She got so used to the carrying, and probably cause of the virus, she is quite cranky and wants to be carried all the time. Georgia is now trying to help her sleep without being carried.

One thing about chicken pox, the principal of DMC was informed of Natalie having chicken pox, and she told Georgia that Natalie would require a discharge note from the doctor, before she is allowed to go back to school. It seems to be a MOE requirement! However, when Georgia went to the doctor, the GP just said that it's common knowledge that chicken pox is no longer infectious after 1 week of the onset of the fever. The rest of the MC is for the patient to rest! If it's common knowledge, can MOE & MOH please sort it out, as the principal insisted. So we had to pester the doctor to finally let us see him to get a discharge note without paying for the consultation! However, we still have to wait an hour for our turn!

As for me, I went back to my GP on 21 May, which is Friday. The doctor just discharged me and said that I could go back to work on Monday after the rest on the weekend, as I am no longer infectious. That meant that I only got like 8 days MC! But of course, having a new post, I am actually dying to go back to work.... :)

What we found out is that the younger you get chicken pox, the easier time you have it. Unfortunately, if you guys are thinking of getting chicken pox, you got to look somewhere else, as our whole family is now free from chicken pox.... ;) Georgia will be getting her jab as soon as is possible.

While all of us having chicken pox, the one who has the worst deal is Georgia, who is not sick, but tired from looking after all of us. Not enough sleep, and no one to look after her. And worse, she can't fall sick! So please do pray for Georgia! We all loved and thank her for taking such great care of us.


Tuesday 25 May 2010

Various Photos in Singapore - March - May 2010 (26 May 2010)

We have been quite busy with our daily routine, and this is just another compilation of photos taken in the last 3 months in Singapore. The bulk of it is really the recent photos of mother's day celebration.

Tuesday 16 March 2010

Malacca Trip (13 - 14 Mar 2010)

We took a short 2 day 1 night driving trip to Malacca, Malaysia. We stayed at this nice homestay condo in town, which is a short drive away from the main area.It was raining during the trip, so we didn't go to Jonker Street. Instead, we went to Jusco and Tesco. We loved Tesco, cause that's where we spent most of our marketing time in the UK.

Sunday 7 March 2010

Outings - Flyer & Bird Park (5-6 Mar 2010)

We managed to get the ASA card, which allows us free ticket to various attractions. The girls have been asking to go on the Singapore flyer, everytime we bypass it. So we took the opportunity to take a ride on the flyer on Friday night. All the photos taken are handheld with my Nikon D50 and 18-200mm VR lenses.

We also visited the Jurong Bird Park on Saturday morning, and enjoyed the show. At the end of the visit, we had to visit the play area. Unfortunately, the area doesn't have much shade, so it isn't ideal in our Singapore climate to play in the day time.

Thursday 4 February 2010

Liveliness (5 Feb 2010)

Sorry, it's been awhile since we last posted. Recently, we have been quite busy with the normal routines in our lives, what with the 2 elder girls going to school and the younger one turning 4 months plus...we started thinking about what it means to have kids. Kids give a sense of liveliness to our house:

a) screaming and shouting when they fight for toys, or when one act as a door to prevent the other from crossing unless she said "abre!" loudly

b) repeating that "meimei never said sorry for hitting me or taking my toys" or "cheche hit me" over and over again

c) asking for milo or snacks every 5 minutes or when you just sit down

d) insisting loudly on having milo before sleeping

e) repeatedly asking to go to the playground or watching Dora or strawberry shortcake every hour

f) squealing loudly when throwing everything on the floor

g) dismantling the alphabet elephant puzzle every time you do it up and then laughing out loud at the mess

h) playing games on the disney web page with volume turned to maximum

i) jumping on the bed and sofa and climbing everywhere

j) taking turns to scream and shout, just so that you cannot get any rest

But liveliness is also when

a) they shout excitedly "daddy" or "mummy" and then running to hug us when we each come home after being out /away from them

b) playing and sharing toys with each other and laughing at each other's antics

c) laughing excitedly when they wear their raccoon mask and you asked where the raccoon come from, and then they took of their mask, and you said, "hey, it's you!"

d) hugging or holding on to you whenever they want, which is all the time

e) holding hands and playing and laughing with each other

f) enjoying all their food and desserts

g) helping to keep their toys and putting all the dolls neatly on their beds

h) pretending to sleep, covering themselves with their blanket all the way to their head and then can't resist laughing when you look at them

i) watching them fall asleep;

j) reading to them their bedtime story, or praying together before they fall asleep

k) running and shouting excitedly when we walk outside, thinking that you are chasing them, squealing when you shout "I am coming"

l) trying to climb that difficult rock wall at the children's playground and exclaiming loudly that they finally did it on their own

m) showing you proudly their drawings, which is a present for you, though you do not know what they drew


Ask me in 10 yrs times whether it is all worth it to have liveliness in the house.... ;)

Friday 22 January 2010

1st post (22 Jan 2010)

Welcome to my new blog.... ;)

It has been more than 1 yr since I graduated from my Masters course. This blog is to share and talk about various water, environment and public health issues. I may not know much, but I will try my best to find out.

Water and environmental issues affect all of us because we are part of the environment. Noone can survive without water for more than a week. As such, how we interact and handle the environment have a huge impact on the quality of out lives. Everyone would be better off understanding and taking action to sustain and improve the environment.

Writing about the issues will help me clear my thoughts and critically think about the various issues involved.

Sunday 3 January 2010

Cayla's baptism @ Blessed Sacrament Church (3 Jan 2010)

Cayla is baptised today at Blessed Sacrament Church. It was a simple, beautiful ceremony. However, we were unable to invite many people, especially our relatives and close friends, as there was no place for a gathering. Instead, we could only invite our families to the baptism and to a simple meal at the restaurant @ Alexandra Village. Thanks to David for helping to take the photos... I am otherwise occupied... ;)

Saturday 2 January 2010

Holiday in Singapore.... (Dec 2009)

Collection of photos during the December Holidays. As we cannot go out of Singapore, we managed to fill our time doing stuff in Singapore.